Single Sign on

Galileo provides Single Sign-on capabilities for various providers using the OIDC protocol. See details below for how to configure each provider.

Azure Active DirectoryOIDC
Custom OIDC providerOIDC

If your provider is not listed above, additional SSO providers can be added on-demand as per customer requirements.

Setting Up SSO with Galileo


  1. Follow this guide to set up OAuth credentials. User Type is Internal, Scopes are …/auth/userinfo.profile and openid, Authorized domains is your domain for Galileo console.

  2. When creating new client ID, set type to Web application, set Authorized redirect URIs to https://{CONSOLE_URL}/api/auth/callback/google

  3. Share Client ID and Client Secret with Galileo


  1. Follow this guide to create a new application. Select OIDC - OpenID Connect as the Sign-in method, Web Application as the application type, Authorization Code as the Grant Type

  2. Set Sign-in redirect URIs to https://{CONSOLE_URL}/api/auth/callback/okta, and Sign-out redirect URIs to https://{CONSOLE_URL}.

  3. Share Issuer URL, Client ID and Client Secret with Galileo

    1. Find Issuer URL in Security -> API in admin panel. Audience should be api://default

Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory)

  1. Follow this guide to create a new application. Under Redirect URI, set type to Web and URI to https://{CONSOLE_URL}/api/auth/callback/azure-ad

  2. Go to Token configuration page, Add Optional Claim, choose ID token and email claim.

    1. Please ensure each user has the email set in the Contact Information properties. We will use this email as the account on Galileo.
  3. Go to Certificates & secrets page, click New Client Secret and create a new secret.

  4. Share the Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret with Galileo


  1. Follow this guide to create an application with Application Type OIDC Web App

  2. Go to app configuration page, edit it by setting Redirect URIs to https://{CONSOLE_URL}/api/auth/callback/ping-federate

  3. Share the Environment ID, Client ID and Client Secret with Galileo

Custom OIDC Provider

  1. Create an application/client with OIDC as the protocol, Web Application as the application type, Authorization Code as the Grant Type

    1. Please ensure email claim is returned as part of the ID Token
  2. Set Sign-in redirect URIs to https://{CONSOLE_URL}/api/auth/callback/custom, and Sign-out redirect URIs to https://{CONSOLE_URL} , Web origins to https://{CONSOLE_URL}

  3. Create a Client Secret

  4. Share all these with Galileo:

    1. CLIENT_ID
    3. TOKEN_URL (like https://{BASE_URL}/token)
    4. USERINFO_URL (like https://{BASE_URL}/userinfo)
    5. ISSUER
    6. JWKS_URL (like https://{BASE_URL}/certs)
    7. AUTHORIZATION_URL (like https://{BASE_URL}/auth?response_type=code)