If you want to fetch your logged data and metrics programmatically, you can do so via our Typescript and Python clients or via our REST APIs:

First, npm install @rungalileo/observe

Then add the following to your project:

    import { ApiClient } from "@rungalileo/observe";
    const apiClient = new ApiClient();
    await apiClient.init("YOUR_PROJECT_NAME");

You can use this with getLoggedData to retrieve the raw data.

    // Optional
    const filters = [{ col_name: "model", operator: "eq", value: "gpt-3.5-turbo" }];

    // Optional
    const sort_spec = [{ col_name: "created_at", sort_dir: "asc" }];

    const rows = await apiClient.getLoggedData(
    "2024-03-11T16:15:28.294Z", // ISO start_time string with timezone
    "2024-03-12T16:15:28.294Z", // ISO end_time string with timezone
    filters, // (optional) See above for an example.
    sort_spec, // (optional) See above for an example
    limit // a number of items to return