Get Segmentation Metrics For Run
[Sem Seg ONLY] Calculates mean and boundary IoU for the (filtered) df.
Path Parameters
, validation
, test
, inference
Query Parameters
, validation
, test
, inference
The main metric for Semantic Segmentation.
IoU, or Intersection over Union, is an Semantic Segmentation metric that provides you with a general sense of the performance of your model.
IoU is defined as the intersection of the predicted and ground truth masks Mean IoU is the average IoU across all classes Boundary IoU is the IoU for the boundary of the mask, which protects against bias towards larger masks
A class to represent a basic bar chart.
labels: List[str] the x axis labels values: List[int | float] the counts for each bar
A class to represent a basic bar chart.
labels: List[str] the x axis labels values: List[int | float] the counts for each bar
A class to represent a basic bar chart.
labels: List[str] the x axis labels values: List[int | float] the counts for each bar
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