Create Prompt Template With Version
For a given project, create a prompt template.
We first create a prompt template version, and then create a prompt template that points to that version as the selected version.
project_id : UUID4 Project ID. current_user : User, optional User who sent the request, by default Depends(authentication_service.current_user) create_request : CreatePromptTemplateWithVersionRequestBody, optional Request body, by default Body( …, examples= [BasePromptTemplateVersion.test_data() | BasePromptTemplate.test_data()], ) db_read : Session, optional Session object to execute DB reads, by default Depends(get_db_read)
CreatePromptTemplateResponse Details about the created prompt template.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Body to create a new prompt template with version.
This is only used for parsing the body from the request.
Response from API to get a prompt template version.
Base response from API for a prompt template version.
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