- POSTValidate Dataset
- POSTStart Training Job
- GETTraining Status
- POSTGet Token For Training Job
- GETGet Collaborator Roles
- GETGet Projects
- POSTCreate Project
- POSTGet Projects Paginated
- GETGet All Projects
- GETGet Project
- PUTUpdate Project
- DELDelete Project
- POSTUpload File
- GETList User Project Collaborators
- POSTCreate User Project Collaborators
- GETList Group Project Collaborators
- POSTCreate Group Project Collaborators
- DELDelete User Project Collaborator
- PATCHUpdate User Project Collaborator
- DELDelete Group Project Collaborator
- PATCHUpdate Group Project Collaborator
- PUTBookmark Project
- DELUnbookmark Project
- GETGet User Roles
- POSTRequest Access
- POSTGenerate Signup Link
- POSTInvite Users
- GETList Users
- POSTCreate Or Verify User
- DELDelete User Self
- POSTCreate Or Verify User Social
- GETList All Users
- GETGet User
- PUTUpdate User
- DELDelete User
- GETGet Latest User Run
- GETGet Project Runs For User
- GETGenerate Password Reset Link
- GETGenerate Password Reset Email
- POSTPassword Reset
- POSTTransfer User Data
- GETList Current User Groups
- POSTGet Metric Insights With Filters
- GETList Prompt Datasets
- POSTUpload Prompt Evaluation Dataset
- GETDownload Prompt Dataset
- PUTUpdate Prompt Dataset
- DELDelete Prompt Dataset
- GETGet Rows
- POSTCalculate Cost
- GETDownload Prompt Run Dataset
- GETExport Prompt Dataset
- GETGet Prompt Chain Rows
- GETGet Rows As Columns
- POSTGet Rows As Columns With Filters
- GETGet Row As Column
- GETGet Multi Run Sample Ids
- POSTGet Multi Run Samples For Row Ids
- GETGet Chain As Columns
- GETGet Groups
- GETList Feedback Templates
- POSTCreate Feedback Template
- GETGet Feedback Template
- DELDelete Feedback Template
- PATCHUpdate Feedback Template
- GETGet Feedback Rating
- PUTCreate Feedback Rating
- DELDelete Feedback Rating
- GETGet Feedback Rating Observe
- PUTCreate Feedback Rating Observe
- DELDelete Feedback Rating Observe
- POSTGet Summary Statistics
- POSTGet Groupby Statistics
- POSTGet Insight Ids
- POSTGet Percentage
- POSTGet Thresholds
- POSTCompare Runs
- POSTGet Column Distribution
- POSTGet Model Metrics
- POSTGet Task Metrics
- POSTGet Label Co Occurrence
- POSTGet Similar From Split
- POSTGet Cbo Clusters For Split
- POSTGet Cartograph Clusters For Split
- POSTGet Communities For Split
- POSTGet Top Insights
- POSTGet Correlation Matrix Chart
- GETGet Alerts For Run
- DELDismiss Alert
- GETGet Errors
- POSTGet Error Counts
- POSTGet Map For Run
- POSTGet Segmentation Metrics For Run
- POSTGet Seq2Seq Metrics For Run
- POSTGet Data Rows
- POSTGet Error Distribution For Column
- GETList Integrations
- GETList Available Integrations
- GETGet Integration
- DELDelete Integration
- GETGet Integration Status
- PUTCreate Or Update Integration
- PUTCreate Or Update Integration
- PUTCreate Or Update Integration
- PUTCreate Or Update Integration
- PUTCreate Or Update Unity Catalog Integration
- GETGet Databricks Clusters
- GETGet Databases For Cluster
- POSTExport To Databricks
- POSTExport Edits Databricks
- GETList Databricks Sql Warehouses
- POSTExport To Databricks Unity Catalog
- POSTExport Edits Databricks Unity Catalog
- PUTCreate Or Update Integration
- GETGet Labelstudio Projects
- POSTExport To Labelstudio
- PUTCreate Or Update Integration
- PUTCreate Or Update Integration
- PUTCreate Or Update Integration
- POSTIngest Prompt Chain Run
- POSTIngest Batch
- GETGet All Models
- PUTPut Score
- GETGet Project Templates
- POSTCreate Prompt Template With Version
- GETGet Template Version By Name
- GETGet Template From Project
- DELDelete Template
- POSTCreate Prompt Template Version
- GETGet Template Version
- PUTSet Selected Template Version
- GETGet Project Runs
- POSTCreate Run
- DELDelete Runs
- GETGet Project Prompt Runs
- GETGet Project Prompt Runs As Columns
- POSTGet Project Prompt Runs As Columns With Filters
- GETGet Run
- PUTUpdate Run
- DELDelete Run
- GETGet Prompt Run
- GETGet Run Link
- GETGet Run Tasks
- GETGet Run Labels
- GETGet Run Inference Names
- GETGet Num Epochs For Run
- GETGet Splits
- GETGet Metrics For Run
- PUTSet Metric For Run
- GETGet Prompt Aggregate Metrics As Singleton Columns
- GETGet Run Tags
- POSTSet Tag For Run
- GETGet Run Tag
- PUTUpdate Tag For Run
- DELDelete Run Tag
Ingest Batch
Configure which scorers to enable for a particular prompt run.
The keys here are sorted by their approximate execution time to execute the scorers that we anticipate will be the fastest first, and the slowest last.
Total number of chains / workflows in the batch. This should match the unique root ID count and is used to determine if all chains have been ingested.
Minutes to wait before concluding ingestion, regardless of how many batches of chains / chains have been successfully ingested.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Configure which scorers to enable for a particular prompt run.
The keys here are sorted by their approximate execution time to execute the scorers that we anticipate will be the fastest first, and the slowest last.
Total number of chains / workflows in the batch. This should match the unique root ID count and is used to determine if all chains have been ingested.
Minutes to wait before concluding ingestion, regardless of how many batches of chains / chains have been successfully ingested.
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