🔰Deploying Galileo - EKS

Setting Up Your Kubernetes Cluster with EKS, IAM, and Trust Policies for Galileo Applications

This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough for configuring and deploying an EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) environment to support Galileo applications. Galileo applications are designed to operate efficiently on managed Kubernetes services like EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service) and GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine). This document, however, will specifically address the setup process within an EKS environment, including the integration of IAM (Identity and Access Management) roles and Trust Policies, alongside configuring the necessary Galileo DNS endpoints.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • An AWS account with administrative access

  • kubectl installed on your local machine

  • aws-cli version 2 installed and configured

  • Basic knowledge of Kubernetes, AWS EKS, and IAM policies

Below lists the 4 steps to set deploy Galileo onto a an EKS environment.

Setting Up the EKS Cluster

  1. Create an EKS Cluster: Use the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI to create an EKS cluster in your preferred region. For CLI, use the command aws eks create-cluster with the necessary parameters.

  2. Configure kubectl: Once your cluster is active, configure kubectl to communicate with your EKS cluster by running aws eks update-kubeconfig --region <region> --name <cluster_name>.

Configuring IAM Roles and Trust Policies

  1. Create IAM Roles for EKS: Navigate to the IAM console and create a new role. Select "EKS" as the trusted entity and attach policies that grant required permissions for managing the cluster.

  2. Set Up Trust Policies: Edit the trust relationship of the IAM roles to allow the EKS service to assume these roles on behalf of your Kubernetes pods.

Integrating Galileo DNS Endpoints

  1. Determine Galileo DNS Endpoints: Identify the four DNS endpoints required by Galileo applications to function correctly. These typically include endpoints for database connections, API gateways, telemetry services, and external integrations.

  2. Configure DNS in Kubernetes: Utilize ConfigMaps or external-dns controllers in Kubernetes to route your applications to the identified Galileo DNS endpoints effectively.

Deploying Galileo Applications

  1. Prepare Application Manifests: Ensure your Galileo application Kubernetes manifests are correctly set up with the necessary configurations, including environment variables pointing to the Galileo DNS endpoints.

  2. Deploy Applications: Use kubectl apply to deploy your Galileo applications onto the EKS cluster. Monitor the deployment status to ensure they are running as expected.

⏱ Total time for deployment: 30-45 minutes

This deployment requires the use of AWS CLI commands. If you only have cloud console access, follow the optional instructions below to get eksctl working with AWS CloudShell.

Step 0: (Optional) Deploying via AWS CloudShell

To use eksctl via CloudShell in the AWS console, open a CloudShell session and do the following:

# Create directory
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin
cd $HOME/.local/bin

# eksctl
curl --silent --location "https://github.com/weaveworks/eksctl/releases/latest/download/eksctl_$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
sudo mv /tmp/eksctl $HOME/.local/bin

The rest of the installation deployment can now be run from the CloudShell session. You can use vim to create/edit the required yaml and json files within the shell session.

Galileo recommends the following Kubernetes deployment configuration:

ConfigurationRecommended Value

Nodes in the cluster’s core nodegroup

4 (min) 5 (max) 4 (desired)

CPU per core node


RAM per core node

16 GiB RAM

Number of nodes in the cluster’s runners nodegroup

1 (min) 5 (max) 1 (desired)

CPU per runner node


RAM per runner node

32 GiB RAM

Minimum volume size per node

200 GiB

Required Kubernetes API version


Storage class


Here's an example EKS cluster configuration.

Step 1: Creating Roles and Policies for the Cluster

  • Galileo IAM Policy: This policy is attached to the Galileo IAM Role. Add the following to a file called galileo-policy.json

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:eks:CLUSTER_REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:cluster/CLUSTER_NAME"
  • Galileo IAM Trust Policy: This trust policy enables an external Galileo user to assume your Galileo IAM Role to deploy changes to your cluster securely. Add the following to a file called galileo-trust-policy.json

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
                "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
  • Galileo IAM Role with Policy: Role should only include the Galileo IAM Policy mentioned in this table. Create a file called create-galileo-role-and-policies.sh, make it executable with chmod +x create-galileo-role-and-policies.sh and run it. Make sure to run in the same directory as the json files created in the above steps.

#!/bin/sh -ex

aws iam create-policy --policy-name Galileo --policy-document file://galileo-policy.json
aws iam create-role --role-name Galileo --assume-role-policy-document file://galileo-trust-policy.json
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name Galileo --policy-arn $(aws iam list-policies | jq -r '.Policies[] | select (.PolicyName == "Galileo") | .Arn')

Step 2: Deploying the EKS Cluster

With the role and policies created, the cluster itself can be deployed in a single command using eksctl. Using the cluster template here, create a galileo-cluster.yaml file and edit the contents to replace CUSTOMER_NAME with your company name like galileo. Also check and update all availabilityZones as appropriate.

With the yaml file saved, run the following command to deploy the cluster:

eksctl create cluster -f galileo-cluster.yaml

Step 3: EKS IAM Identity Mapping

This ensures that only users who have access to this role can deploy changes to the cluster. Account owners can also make changes. This is easy to do with eksctl with the following command:

eksctl create iamidentitymapping
--cluster customer-cluster
--region your-region-id
--arn "arn:aws:iam::CUSTOMER-ACCOUNT-ID:role/Galileo"
--username galileo
--group system:masters

NOTE for the user: For connected clusters, Galileo will apply changes from github actions. So github.com should be allow-listed for your cluster’s ingress rules if you have any specific network requirements.

Step 4: Required Configuration Values

Customer specific cluster values (e.g. domain name, slack channel for notifications etc) will be placed in a base64 encoded string, stored as a secret in GitHub that Galileo’s deployment automation will read in and use when templating a cluster’s resource files.\

Mandatory FieldDescription

AWS Account ID

The Customer's AWS Account ID that the customer will use for provisioning Galileo

Galileo IAM Role Name

The AWS IAM Role name the customer has created for the galileo deployment account to assume.

EKS Cluster Name

The EKS cluster name that Galileo will deploy the platform to.

Domain Name

The customer wishes to deploy the cluster under e.g. google.com

Root subdomain

e.g. "galileo" as in galileo.google.com

Trusted SSL Certificates (Optional)

By default, Galileo provisions Let’s Encrypt certificates. But if you wish to use your own trusted SSL certificates, you should submit a base64 encoded string of

  1. the full certificate chain, and

  2. another, separate base64 encoded string of the signing key.

AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for Internal S3 Uploads (Optional)

If you would like to export data into an s3 bucket of your choice. Please let us know the access key and secret key of the account that can make those upload calls.

NOTE for the user: Let Galileo know if you’d like to use LetsEncrypt or your own certificate before deployment.

Step 5: Access to Deployment Logs

As a customer, you have full access to the deployment logs in Google Cloud Storage. You (customer) are able to view all configuration there. A customer email address must be provided to have access to this log.

Step 6: Customer DNS Configuration

Galileo has 4 main URLs (shown below). In order to make the URLs accessible across the company, you have to set the following DNS addresses in your DNS provider after the platform is deployed.

⏱ Time taken : 5-10 minutes (post the ingress endpoint / load balancer provisioning)








Each URL must be entered as a CNAME record into your DNS management system as the ELB address. You can find this address by listing the kubernetes ingresses that the platform has provisioned.

Step 7: Post-deployment health-checks

GPU Enabled Nodes

For specialized tasks that require GPU processing, such as machine learning workloads, Galileo supports the configuration of GPU-enabled node pools. Here's how you can set up and manage a node pool with GPU-enabled nodes using eksctl, a command line tool for creating and managing Kubernetes clusters on Amazon EKS.

Creating a GPU-enabled Node Pool

  1. Node Pool Creation: Use eksctl to create a node pool with an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that supports GPUs. This example uses the g4dn.2xlarge instances and specifies a GPU-compatible AMI.

    eksctl create nodegroup --cluster your-cluster-name --name galileo-ml --node-type g4dn.2xlarge --nodes-min 1 --nodes-max 5 --node-ami ami-0656ebce2c7921ec0 --node-labels "galileo-node-type=galileo-ml" --region your-region-id

    In this command, replace your-cluster-name and your-region-id with your specific details. The --node-ami option is used to specify the exact AMI that supports CUDA and GPU workloads.

Using Managed RDS Postgres DB server

To use Managed RDS Postgres DB Server. You should create RDS Aurora directly in AWS console and Create K8s Secret and config map in kubernetes so that Galileo app can use it to connect to the DB server

Creating RDS Aurora cluster

  1. Go to AWS Console --> RDS Service and create a RDS Subnet group.

  • Select the VPC in which EKS cluster is running.

  • Select AZs A and B and the respective private subnets

  1. Next Create a RDS aurora Postgres Cluster. Config for the cluster are listed below. General fields like cluster name, username, password etc can we enter as per cloud best practice.

FieldRecommended Value

Engine Version


DB Instance class



EKS cluster VPC ID

DB Subnet Group

Select subnet group created in step 1

Security Group ID

Select Primary EKS cluster SG

Enable Encryption


  1. Create K8s Secret

  • Kubernetes resources: Add the following to a file called galileo-rds-details.yaml. Update all marker ${xxx} text with appropriate values. Then run kubectl apply -f galileo-rds-details.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: galileo
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: postgres
  namespace: galileo
type: Opaque
  GALILEO_POSTGRES_USER: "${db_username}"
  GALILEO_POSTGRES_REPLICA_PASSWORD: "${db_master_password}"
  GALILEO_DATABASE_URL_WRITE: "postgresql+psycopg2://${db_username}:${db_master_password}@${db_endpoint}/${database_name}"
  GALILEO_DATABASE_URL_READ: "postgresql+psycopg2://${db_username}:${db_master_password}@${db_endpoint}/${database_name}"
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: grafana-datasources
  namespace: galileo
    app: grafana
  datasources.yaml: |
    apiVersion: 1
    - access: proxy
      isDefault: true
      name: prometheus
      type: prometheus
      url: "http://prometheus.galileo.svc.cluster.local:9090"
      version: 1
    - name: postgres
      type: postgres
      url: "${db_endpoint}"
      database: ${database_name}
      user: ${db_username}
        password: ${db_master_password}
        sslmode: "disable"

Last updated